Once you understand the way all the pieces move in the game of Chess, then you can begin playing the game. However, you will soon notice the beautiful frustration of having dozens of options on each turn. Even at your first turn, there are 20 possible moves. With every move, those options increase. As if that is not stressful enough, you must also anticipate your opponent’s best move. In other words, you have to manage your moves in response to your opponent’s. All of these options can be intimidating.
No one said the game was easy. Neither is life. Everyday, we have hundreds of choices to make. We must set priorities according to how we will spend our time and resources. My life is not simple at all. As a business owner, I have to chose rather to plan or produce. Do I focus on creating new business or cultivating current relationships? Will we hire new staff or bring on another intern? As a father, I have to chose rather to lecture or listen. Do I cook dinner or do we eat out? Will we stay in public school or go private? For every relationship we have, we have several possibilities and/or choices to make daily.
Don't panic! The key to good management in life is the same key to making strong moves in the Game of Chess. I call it Board Vision. Board Vision is having a handle on every scenario that could possibly unfold. This means that of all the things that can happen, you are in tune with what is likely to happen. Like a crystal ball, Board Vision helps you anticipate how the game will unfold. With strong Board Vision, you will be prepared for every attack that comes your way. You are prepared to effectively respond to every situation that arises. With this understand, you can create a winning strategy, which will guide all of your moves.
Board Vision is developed over time. I have developed it after decades of playing the game and living my life. I understand how openings influence end games and how Monday’s goal setting influences Friday’s outcomes. With each day that passes, my Board Vision improves.
Here’s my advice to you, chess player. When you start to feel overwhelmed by the options before you. And you need to understand what move to take next. Step back from the game. Get a different perspective. Try to see everything that is happening. Ask yourself, how are things likely to unfold in this situation? What is the best move for you to make right now to influence the outcome you desire? Once you do this, you are playing your best game. In life, you cannot do better than your best. It’s your life. Make your best move.
Coach Hodge,
Your Chess and Life Coach
“Winning is combination of strategic positioning and calculated sacrifices.”
No one said the game was easy. Neither is life. Everyday, we have hundreds of choices to make. We must set priorities according to how we will spend our time and resources. My life is not simple at all. As a business owner, I have to chose rather to plan or produce. Do I focus on creating new business or cultivating current relationships? Will we hire new staff or bring on another intern? As a father, I have to chose rather to lecture or listen. Do I cook dinner or do we eat out? Will we stay in public school or go private? For every relationship we have, we have several possibilities and/or choices to make daily.
Don't panic! The key to good management in life is the same key to making strong moves in the Game of Chess. I call it Board Vision. Board Vision is having a handle on every scenario that could possibly unfold. This means that of all the things that can happen, you are in tune with what is likely to happen. Like a crystal ball, Board Vision helps you anticipate how the game will unfold. With strong Board Vision, you will be prepared for every attack that comes your way. You are prepared to effectively respond to every situation that arises. With this understand, you can create a winning strategy, which will guide all of your moves.
Board Vision is developed over time. I have developed it after decades of playing the game and living my life. I understand how openings influence end games and how Monday’s goal setting influences Friday’s outcomes. With each day that passes, my Board Vision improves.
Here’s my advice to you, chess player. When you start to feel overwhelmed by the options before you. And you need to understand what move to take next. Step back from the game. Get a different perspective. Try to see everything that is happening. Ask yourself, how are things likely to unfold in this situation? What is the best move for you to make right now to influence the outcome you desire? Once you do this, you are playing your best game. In life, you cannot do better than your best. It’s your life. Make your best move.
Coach Hodge,
Your Chess and Life Coach
“Winning is combination of strategic positioning and calculated sacrifices.”